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A Separate Peace Treasure Hunt

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WWII: Mobilization | U.S. Army Center of Military History

  1. When did the word, mobilization, first appear with regard to preparing armies for war?
  2. What was the condition of the United States preparedness in 1940 in the light of German military successes? 
    1. (See section 11)
  3. Study the picture at the beginning of the article. What seems to be happening in the photo?

What Did You Do in the War, Grandma?: Women and World War II

  1. According to the source, what effect did World War II have on the woman named, Nancy Potter?
  2. Give a few examples of how women were discriminated against in the work force during the war.
  3. Instead of hiring women, how could factory owners have coped with the labor shortage?
  4. In what way did the movies of the day show how women were supposed to act and behave while their men were fighting in Europe and in the Pacific?
  5. Name two groups of Americans who were targets of outright racism in this period.

KS2 History - BBC Bitesize

  1. Open the link and click onto “Hello, I’m Vera.”
  2. Go to the center icon, click ‘rationing’.
  3. Go to next page, click on the basket.
  4. Go through the same process that Vera shows you.
  5. Select a shopping list and go through the pages.
  6. You learn very quickly what rationing is. Vera says you have two choices when it comes to food. You can eat what is available or you could go hungry. Why was a ration book so important to people living then?
  7. On the left side of the home page, click onto “A wartime home” and go to kitchen. Click onto the radio. Why was a radio important to the home?

Great school

  1. Click on ‘students’.  Give a few ways students attending public schools differ from those who attend private schools.
  2. With regard to kids with special needs, what are the requirements of private schools? What do you think of this?
  3. Look at ‘Class Size”. Why do parents choose private schools for their children?
  4. In your own words, how would your perception of the world differ if you attended private schools all of your life?
  • America Calling”, list two ideals found in American culture or society during wartime.
  • What does it mean, “to remind people what they are fighting for”?
  • In “Cowards over Pearl Harbor”, the song boosted morale and made people feel they were going to win the war.
  • What phrase in the description tells us this is so?
  • In “On the old assembly line”, workers had to cope with boring and tedious jobs, unlike the soldiers who were off fighting the war. Give an example of a ‘tedious’ job you may find in a factory

Digital Time

  1. According to the song, if you praise the lord and pass the ammunition, what will happen for you?
  2. Praise  The  Lord, and swing in-to  po-si-tion, Can't   af-ford  to   sit  a-round a'-wish-in' Praise  The  Lord,  we're all be-tween per-dition and the deep blue sea!".   
    What is ‘perdition’?
  3. In the final verse, the ‘sky pilot’ says we cannot go fishing. Why?
  4. This was a most popular song during World War II. How is this
    song different from the ones you have heard that deal with the Iraq War?

Canadian World War II Posters Gallery

  1. Look at this poster. From the expression on ‘Rosie the Riveter’s face’, what
    seems to be her mood?
  2. Do you think American women who worked in factories during the war
    all looked like the woman in the poster? 
  3. Which American ideal does the poster portray?