Directions: Click on the links below to locate the internet source needed for this part of the learning center. You may wish to copy/paste the answer you find on a Word file. Be sure to identify the link (Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI, Seven Years’ War etc). And, be sure your names are on your answer sheet. Good luck.
Marie Antoinette : French Revolution : Guillotine : Napoleonic personalities
Marie Antoinette
- What country did Marie A. call her home?
- List three adjectives that describe her physical appearance.
- Why was the government suspicious of Marie during the war with Austria?
- What became of Marie A on 16 October 1783?
Louis XVI - Marie Antoinette : France
Louis XVI
- About how many years did Louis XVI reign?
- Which women in his life seemed to dominate him?
- Give a reason why the French economy was nearly bankrupted.
- Louis was guillotined on 21 January 1793 on what charge?
Seven Years’ War
- What seemed to be the reason for the war in North America?
- Who controlled the Ohio Valley, in America during this time?
- The British were now in control of N.America. In what way did the Americans now feel oppressed by British rule? 5: In your view, with the loss of North American markets, how did this affect the economy of France during the French Revolution of 1789?
Tennis Court Oath
- Give the background as to the reason for the Tennis Court Oath taken by the representatives of the Estates.
- What was the warning given by Maurnier?
- Basically, what did the Oath say about sovereignty?
- How did the King react to this measure?
Age of Enlightenment
- Which social group in France brought out the Enlightenment Movement?
- Give a few ways scientific progress of the time added momentum to the Enlightenment Movement.
- How did point of view affect the way people perceived the Enlightenment Movement?
- “ It was the Enlightenment, not the Reformation or the Renaissance that dislodged the ecclesiastical establishment from central control of cultural and intellectual life. By emancipating science from the trammels of theological tradition the Enlightenment rendered possible the autonomous evolution of modern culture.” Explain what this means.
Women and Revolution
- How did women react to bread shortages?
- Women formed clubs. Why did they do this?
- List three rights women wanted that were not available before the Revolution.
- In what way did the decree of the National Assembly further women’s rights?
Reign of Terror
- The Reign of Terror was really a war dictatorship. Explain what this means.
- What role in this period did G. Denton and M. Robespierre have?
- List a few economic changes brought about by the Reign of Terror that affected the French
- Why was Robespierre guillotined?
Jean J. Rousseau
- By the time Rousseau was 18 years old (1730), what kind of studies did he pursue?
- “Rousseau reacted against the artificiality and corruption of the social customs and institutions of the time. He was a keen thinker, and was equipped with the weapons of the philosophical century and with an inspiring eloquence. To these qualities were added a pronounced egotism, self-seeking, and an arrogance that led to bitter antagonism against his revolutionary views and sensitive personality.” Rousseau seems to be two people in the above description. Can you trace his two personality types?
- What was Rousseau’s book, Emile, mainly about?
- “The Social Contract, on the text that all men are born free and equal, regards the State as a contract in which individuals surrender none of their natural rights, but rather agree for the protection of them. Most remarkable in this projected republic was the provision to banish aliens to the state religion and to punish dissenters with death. The Social Contract became the text-book of the French Revolution, and Rousseau's theories as protests bore fruit in the frenzied bloody orgies of the Commune as well as in the rejuvenation of France and the history of the entire Western world.” What is there about the Social Contract that would be helpful to a generation later who was involved in the blood bath of the Revolution?
C. B. Beccaria
- Which two reforms in Europe did Beccaria effect?
- The Third Estate of France before the Revolution would agree with Beccaria’s work. Why?
- To which field did Beccaria use mathematics to improve conditions?
- How would this man be accepted by the First and Second Estates before the Revolution?
WHKMLA : History of France, The Economy 1789-1792
Economics of France 1789
- How was the economy affected with the abolishment of the salt tax?
- How do you account for the high inflation in France in 1791?
- Which type of misery caused the National Assembly to come up with a solution?
- “In 1792 the country practically was in a civil war, to which the invasion by coalition troops only added. In such conditions, the situation of the state finances and the nation's economy could only deteriorate.” Identify the two groups of French society involved in this civil war.
Grading Rubric: In order to qualify for a grade of D, you must have at least 53 correct answers completed in this Learning Center.
Grade |
Questions Correct |
A |
73 – 81 |
B |
67 – 72 |
C |
57 – 66 |
D |
53 - 56 |
F |