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Of Mice and Men

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Of Mice and Men is a novel set on a ranch in the Salinas Valley in California during the Great Depression of the 1930s. It was the first work to bring John Steinbeck national recognition as a writer. The title suggests that the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry, a reference to Robert Burns's poem "To a Mouse."

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About John Steinbeck, and how he came to write Of Mice and Men, his early life and his inspirations, and about the novella, and how Steinbeck conceived it.

The Migrant Experience: A complex set of interacting forces both economic and ecological brought the migrant workers documented in this ethnographic collection to California. Following World War I, a recession led to a drop in the market price of farm crops and caused Great Plains farmers to increase their productivity through mechanization and the cultivation of more land.

Migrant Workers: 

​​​​​​​The Dust Bowl: The Dust Bowl of the 1930s lasted about a decade. Its primary area of impact was on the southern Plains. The northern Plains were not so badly affected, but nonetheless, the drought, windblown dust and agricultural decline were no strangers to the north. ​​​​​​​

The Dust Bowl of 1930: "Dust Bowl" was a term born in the hard times from the people who lived in the drought-stricken region during the great depression.

The Dust Bowl: