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Greek Theater Questions

Greek Theater Questions

  1. Who is Dionysus?
  2. What is the function of the chorus in Greek theater?
  3. What is the purpose of masks and describe the costuming in Greek theater?
  4. How many actors are in a Greek play and what is the evolution from chorus to actor?
  5. Describe the legend of Oedipus.
  6. Explain the riddle of the Sphinx.
  7. Explain the “swollen feet” of Oedipus.
  8. What is the origin of the Greek tragedy and comedy?
  9. Describe Thespis and his role in the “acting.”
  10. Who was Tiresias and how did he become blind?
  11. Explain Tiresias being transsexual and the interactions with the gods.
  12. What is the aim of a tragic hero and its characteristics?
  13. Describe: Parados, Paean, Ode.
  14. What is the role of a playwright and name four notable ancient Greek playwrights?
  15. Describe the structure of a Greek tragedy.
  16. How is the staging of an ancient Greek play set up?
  17. Create a works cited the following web sites: